Planta Vivai

S.P. per il Sangro snc
Fossacesia (CH)
Tel: +39 0872 632183
Cell: +39 340 2400382

The PLANTA VIVAI company deals with the cultivation of cacti and succulents, which originate in the arid environments of different continents.

They have adapted their anatomy and physiology to withstand extreme condi-tions. From the seeds and cuttings begins the journey of multiplication first and then of growth, which leads the greenhouses to fill up with hundreds of different shapes. What characterizes the company is the relentless search for new species to be produced for which there is a daily commitment to achieve the best growth balance. The search for better substrates, balanced fertilizations and finely controlled cultivation environments are the basis of quality production. The company has been engaged for years in the recovery of rainwater and its use.

Recent investments also guarantee the reuse of reflux water with the abatement of any waste. Guido Caravaggio and his trusted collaborators, over time, have created a solid and concrete reality, well-rooted, reliable, serious and punctual.

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