
The ANVE Board has a duration of two years and is composed of Councilors from the main Regions of relevance for the nursery production. In this way ANVE guarantees an institutional presence throughout the Italian territory.
The Councilors meet once every always in a different place so as to visit the local companies and present the associative activities.
The Board, renewed at the ANVE Annual Assembly on 24 May 2024, for the 2024-2026 term of office is composed as follows:

Luigi Pagliani – Umbria

Gianluca Buemi – Puglia
Vice president

Moreno Pinto – Abruzzo
Vice president

Jean Marc Orecchioni – Sardegna

Alfredo Acciarri – Marche

Giuseppe Aumenta – Lazio

Fabiano Bortolazzi – Veneto

Gabriele Buongiovanni – Toscana

Leonardo Capitanio – Puglia

Antonino Giambò – Sicilia

Gaetano Imperatore – Campania

Vittorio Pagani – Piemonte

Gino Pezzoli – Molise

Michele Tusi – Lombardia

Outlooks and intentions for the coming year, by ANVE President Luigi Pagliani

Green Perspectives

The Resilient Success of Italian Floriculture and Future Challenges


Throughout 2023, the Italian horticulture sector exhibited notable resilience and adaptability, leveraging the increasing awareness of climate change and the momentum toward a green cultural revolution. The attained results signify that the pandemic acted as a catalyst, fostering heightened societal sensitivity toward the sector’s productions and establishing a robust foundation for approaching the future with optimism. On the associative front, active participation in prominent trade events such as “Myplant & Garden” in Milan and “Flormart – The Green Italy” in Padua, coupled with the success of the “XV National Day of Mediterranean Horticulture,” ANVE’s annual event, significantly elevated our visibility. Our proactive international presence, with a special mention to the collaboration with ITA – Italian Trade Agency – supporting promotion, incoming development and training of future generations, again through ENA, emphasizing the pivotal role for the horticulture sector in shaping new professional figures. Domestically, we have fortified and expanded our partnerships with sector associations, underscoring our firm belief in collaboration and the imperative of information exchange across the diverse horticulture supply chain. Finally, we wanted to review and enrich the conventions offered to our members. This includes a heightened emphasis on quality certifications to distinguish our companies in the increasingly complex competitive scenario. I would like to highlight the role played by our secretariat, significantly contributing to the construction of a collaborative environment and the efficient management of associative activities. The prompt responsiveness to member requests has strengthened the connection between the Association and its membership base, fostering an atmosphere of trust and mutual support. Looking forward to 2024, despite global political and economic uncertainties, I am confident that the sector will approach the year with optimism and determination, well-prepared to confront challenges with the same resilience demonstrated in the past.
“The promotion of sustainability, knowledge sharing, and collaboration will remain pivotal in our activities, contributing to the continued growth of the sector and the well-being of society.”
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