AIVEP Associazione Italiana Verde Pensile (Italian Association of Green Roofs) aims to promote the development of knowledge and the dissemination of good practices to achieve high quality standards in the design, execution and maintenance of green roofs in Italy.
The association aggregates professionals operating in the green roof sector: designers, companies, gardeners, maintainers, public sector technicians, researchers.
Since 1997 AIVEP has acted to protect its members and enhance the skills of those who work professionally in hanging and vertical green wall, providing a network of experts with whom to exchange ideas, technologies,
projects and best practices.
The association is constantly updated on the European context as a member of the EFB-European Federation of Green Roof&Walls as an observer and proposer. In recent years AIVEP has taken on the role of representative and guarantor of green roof operators at ministerial work tables and with public authorities. It constantly updates the initiatives carried out by the association and its associates at national and international level, involving members on legislation concerning the green technology sector and the problems and new developments in this sector.
c/o Fiera di Padova
via Tommaseo, 59
facebook: Ass.AIVEP