Asproflor Comuni Fioriti has among its aims to help public administrations to strengthen the experience of natural beauty to support the quality of life of their citizens, to welcome visitors, to increase the care of the natural environment and to enhance education on order and cleanliness.
Since 2019, the first “Quality Mark of the Comune Fiorito Living Environment” has been introduced in Italy; the special certification of public green areas identified with a numbered “Comune Fiorito” sign and the “Flag Comune Fiorito” which will highlight the quality of life for residents and visitors.
The Comune Fiorito Quality Mark is not limited to blooms, even if the flower is an essential element to enhance the beauty of the town, but also makes use of other evaluation criteria for a global approach to improving the quality of life, welcoming people and taking care of all the green heritage of the municipal area with particular attention to biodiversity.
The Quality Mark is awarded to municipalities that are actively committed to improving the living environment by strengthening the fundamental objectives of the “Comuni Fioriti” project: attention to the person and sociality, the quality of hospitality and respect for the environment supported by “To flourish is to welcam”.
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