”Protect and enhance a key economic pillar of Abruzzo”: this is the mission of Assoflora, the association of Abruzzo floricolture producers, active since 1985 and representing fifty
The sector has nothing to envy of other Italian regions thanks to the favorable climatic conditions of Abruzzo, which allow excellent production in various areas of floriculture.
The Association is committed to promoting internationally competitive businesses, taking advantage not only of the optimal climatic conditions but also of the entrepreneurial vivacity that has given rise to prominent companies, renowned for the quality and quantity of their production. Innovation and constant technological research complete the picture, giving Assoflora prestige and authority.
Among the notable initiatives, “Mostra del fiore Florviva” stands out, an annual event held in Pescara during the spring at the charming Marina di Pescara Tourist Port.
The event boasts the participation of over two hundred exhibitors also coming from other regions, offering not only a moment of promotion but also of exchange and indepth analysis on crucial themes of the sector, enriched by collateral events.
Assoflora is also committed to the growth of its members, organizing training courses as an opportunity for scientific and personal enrichment, offering administrative consultancy and maintaining solid institutional relationships, in particular with the Regional Phytosanitary Service with which it has collaborated for years.
Furthermore, joining Anve is strategic to offer members both a national and European opening.
Since 2006, the president has been Dr. Guido Caravaggio, a graduate in Biological Sciences and owner of a nursery in Fossacesia specialized in the production of cacti and succulent plants.

Via Nazionale, 38
Cepagatti PE
Presso il Mercato Ortofrutticolo
“La Valle della Pescara”
Tel.: + 329 3441976.