Glionna Vivai
S.P. 18 Bivio Gaudiano
Lavello (PZ)
Tel: +39 0972 82043
Tel: +39 0972 208679
In high Basilicata, in Gaudiano di Lavello in the province of Potenza, it is estab-lished for many years the “Glionna Vivai”, a modern company based on union between professionalism and technology, passion for work and attention to customer needs and with a stronger market orientation.
The company was founded in 1992, today is spread over an area of around 500.000 sqm, of which 25.000 sqm indoor, greenhouses and shading, 40.000 sqm in pots and 420.000 square meters in outdoor cultivation.
In 2002, by the will of implement and explain the skills on the environment and ornamental matters, born “Giardini e Ambiente Srl”: the main areas of operation include natural engineering works, hydraulic-forestry works for the conserva-tion of soil environment.