Laura Ryolo

Largo Case Lunghe
Barcellona Pozzo Di Gotto (ME)
Tel: +39 090 9763376
Tel: +39 336 921448

Laura Ryolo Srl is located in prov of Messina, (just 3.5 km from the A20 Milazzo motorway)It extends over 150.000mq on which insist greenhouses and shaded and where they grow Kentie, Chamadoree, Cycas, Olive.
In the open field there are Palms, Strelitzie, trees, hedges. It is an accredited producer for the olive tree, with over 15 varieties from the 7×8 pot to the 350lt pot.
Activity: Propagation of seedlings from seed, cuttings, to be recultivated, pro-duction of exemplary plants, even in open fields, production of wholesale plants, production of flowering trees, evergreens and hedges of prompt effect.
Services: design and creation of public green spaces, gardens, villas, parks, hotels, campgrounds, and construction of hanging gardens, design and implementation of irrigation systems,public and private green space maintenance, pruning services,installation and maintenance of lawns and turf, transplants of exemplary plants, phytosanitary treatments, implementation of afforestation works of environmental.