The Foundation’s aims are:
- Training and specialisation through the organisation of courses at all levels: compulsory education (Qualified and Specialised, Technical Diplomates), post diploma specialisation (ITS Istituto Tecnologico di Altissima Specializzazione), job placement of frail people, permanent training for professionals. The School has an internal college that can accommodate up to 180 students
- Applied research and experimentation to support innovation
- The setting up and maintenance of plant collections
- The activity of environmental communication, promotion and dissemination through publishing activities, conferences and educational visits.
Fundamental for the Foundation is the collaboration with Associations operating in the sector, therefore also with a reality such as ANVE, which can help the professional growth of students, but also of technical-practical teachers.
In September 2023 the Orticolario event was held (at Villa Erba, Cernobbio-CO) and at the Minoprio School stand the Editorial Committee interviewed President Luigi Pagliani, who outlined some areas of possible interaction such as the organisation of seminars in which ANVE nurserymen could deal with different topics with the classes and the organisation of visits to nurseries so that students could touch realities they are not used to seeing due to geographical differences and the business orientation of professionals.
The objective of the Minoprio Foundation is to train great green professionals and the collaboration with ANVE can decisively support this intention.
To find out about all the activities, projects and training offered by the Minoprio Foundation: www.fondazioneminoprio.it – eventi@fondazioneminoprio.it