Tecno Vivai

Via ex SS 343 km 46
Canneto sull Oglio (MN)
Tel: +39 0376 724137
Fax: 0376 725574
@: info@tecnovivai.it

Tecnovivai born 35 years later in Bizzolano a little fraction of Canneto sull’Oglio, where the brothers Felice e Pieremilio starting before from small seed plants, and than in a few years directing your company on transplant cycles. They built what they are today the large trees of Canneto’s compartment.
During the years Tecnovivai has always find new types of plants experimenting new technologies of cutting – edge cultivation. In the nineties the company introduced container cultivation.
Currently the company produced plants in the flat field on an area if 70 hectares and 15.000 trees in container. During 2022 the new genaration is coming! With the brothers Stefano e Simone Zecchina, Tecnovivai set new goals for the future continuing to produce a products of high quality and cutting-edge services.