UHY Audinet

Via Birmania, 83
Referent: Dott. Marco Coletta
Tel.: +39 06 5917469
Tel.: +39 335 227745
@: m.coletta@uhyaudinet.com

The Partners and Managers of UHY Audinet are professionals with at least ten years of experience, they constantly follow their clients in the daily management and for extraordinary operations including assistance in the internationalization of the business, boasting participation in the global network of UHY professionals, present with over 7,500 professionals in 300 offices in over 90 countries.
UHY Audinet offers an extensive set of solutions to serve the Clients, which includes financial statement audit services, Transaction and Due Diligence services, forensic services and Governance, Risk and Compliance Services.
Specifically, UHY Audinet is able to assist customers with the following services:
- review of separate and consolidated financial statements and group reporting
packages according to national and international accounting standards; - audit activities of expense reports for loans and contributions, received on the basis of national and international regulations;
- assistance in the administrative-accounting reorganizations of groups also present beyond the national territory;
- assistance in the transformation from individual businesses, simple companies, agricultural companies into companies with legal personality such as limited liability companies and joint-stock companies;
- financial consultancy for sales and acquisitions of businesses and companies;
- assistance in all phases of the listing process on regulated markets;
- evaluations of companies, brands and patents;
- assistance in negotiating debt restructuring;
- preparation and certification of Business Plans useful for Project Financing and request for financing from the banking sector;
- implementation of IT Governance models and procedures according to
international reference standards.