Vivai Buemi
C.da Marziotta c.p. 21
Palagiano (TA)
Tel/Fax: +39 099 8855117
Cell: +39 333 2110523 (Natale)
Cell: +39 338 7717147 (Santo)
Cell: +39 393 6058901 (Gianluca)
Cell: +39 335 1695655 (Luana)
The Agricultural Company Vivai Buemi S.r.l.born in 2007 following the union of family hatchery companies. The plant nursery tradition dates back to the 70s with Domenico Buemi, a charismatic figure descended from a family of Sicilian nurserymen. Today, the new generations have joined the three brothers Natale, Santo, and Gianluca.
Vivai Buemi is specialized in the production of olive trees, with over 30 cultivars, and of fruit-bearing species, over 50 cultivars, spread over 10 hectares. The pro-duction techniques have been perfected over the decades and currently, the production of olive trees is entirely made in pots above ground, while the fruit species are cultivated for part of the cycle in the earth and then started to grow in pots.
The international market, in particular, the European market is joining the na-tional reference market. New collaborations with other hatcheries and new promising commercial prospects will liven up the near future of a hatchery busi-ness rooted in tradition but with an eye to the future.