Vivai Mello Alessandro

Via Salice Case Sparse snc
Veglie (LE)
Cell.: +39 328 1477522 (Alessandro)

With a strong passion for plants and remarkable creativity in garden design, Vivai Mello Alessandro has kept alive a family tradition for over 50 years. Located in the heart of Salento, the company engages in various activities, including the production of native and non-native Mediterranean plants, both trees and shrubs, as well as the design and implementation of public and private gardens. We closely collaborate with industry professionals, including architects, landscapers, and agronomists, to ensure impeccable results.
The quality of our production is ensured through careful plant care, closely monitoring their development, and precisely managing phytosanitary prevention and treatment activities in compliance with current regulations.
Vivai Mello Alessandro supplies plants both wholesale to nursery industry operators and retail to private customers.