Vivai Valenti

Via Salicà snc
Terme Vigliatore (ME)
Tel. +39 090 9781346
Cell. +39 368 7320814

The company “Vivai Valenti Piante di Valenti Antonino” borns in Terme Vigliatore, a city placed in the beautiful Tindari’s Gulf, in front of “Isole Eolie”.
On a surface of 5 hectares, there is the seriousness and the professionalism of the Valenti’s family, employed in the agriculture sector from three generations. We follow the growth of every plant with passion, providing our clients the qual-ity of our products. In the nursery we use the most innovative growing methods, respecting all the cultures requirements and the environment.
We commercialize our products in Italy and in foreign countries.
Vivai Valenti Piante di Valenti Antonino is one of the reference company in citrus and olive ornamental and industrial trees production. The quality of the plants and the broad range of varieties allow Vivai Valenti Piante di Valenti Antonino to be an active company in the nursery-gardening market.