AIAPP (Italian Association of Landscape Architecture) is the Italian association that for 70 years promotes the culture of the garden and landscape and represents professionals active in the field of landscape architecture
Founded in 1950 on the initiative of Pietro Porcinai, Elena Luzzato and other pioneers, today brings together more than 700 members, including professionals, scholars and students committed to protecting, preserving and enhancing the landscape, through design, research, training and scientific and cultural activities of information and professional updating.
AIAPP is a member of IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) and IFLA Europe (International Federation of Landscape Architecture Europe). In October 2023, in Naples, AIAPP hosted the IFLA Europe General Assembly. The IFLA EU Assembly has been an opportunity for an international conference and for activities focused on landscape issues, its professionals and the entire supply chain.
AIAPP and ANVE signed in 2015 a memorandum of understanding, a tool for the international promotion of the landscape project chain: designers, nurseries and construction companies of green works that propose together for quality landscaping.
There are many activities and synergies that in recent years have been promoted thanks to the protocol.