Sen. Patrizio Giacomo La Pietra
Undersecretary of Stateministry of Agriculture, of Food Sovereignty and Forests
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Forestry (MASAF) is a department of the Italian government. It is responsible for formulating and coordinating agricultural, forestry, agri-food, as well as horse racing and fishing policies at the national, European, and international levels, representing Italy within the European Union for matters of competence.
It is currently led by Minister Francesco Lollobrigida and the State Secretaries.
Speech by the Undersecretary
Since the day of its inauguration, the Meloni government has reiterated the centrality of agriculture in its political action. The continuation of the Ukrainian crisis, to which unfortunately the one in the Middle East has been added, highlight in all their drama the obligation for Italy to focus decisively on the maximum possible autonomy, both on the energy side and on that of food production. Working in close collaboration with the protagonists of the agricultural system is even more so our precise duty: we want to give strength and growth prospects to breeders, fishermen and farmers involved in agri-food production, but also to all the other sectors that make up the world agricultural, as in the case of floriculture, which must stop being the Cinderella of the sector and return to playing the role it deserves. Together with Minister Lollobrigida we strongly wanted a draft law delegating the government on the matter with a precise intent: to give a framework law to the sector, which has been waiting for it for years and which thanks to it, will finally be able to know with certainty the roles of each belonging to the supply chain; who should do what from a national strategy perspective, with a broad perspective.