Vivai Fortunato
Via Canale Km. 2,500
Sammichele di Bari (BA)
Tel.: +39 080 8910069
Cell.: +39 333 8590027
Vivai Fortunato produce fruit, olive and ornamental plants. I am always looking for new varieties to guarantee the producer and the consumer quality fruit. The plants are all certified and comply with all the regulations in force on the national and European territory.
Fortunato nurseries have catalog fields where all the data and characteristics of the fruits (flowering, ripening, brix degrees, size etc …) of the different varieties are collected. Every year, days dedicated to the vision and varietal promotion of stone fruit are organized.
Always active on social networks to keep everyone updated on news. All the work in the field and the phytosanitary treatments are recorded on ad hoc management programs to have 100% of the traceability of the product.